If you're new to waxing, then there's probably a few things you'd like to know. We’ve put together the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we get.
Does it hurt?
We can't promise a pain-free Brazilian, but our technique, our training and our expertise means it'll be the most comfortable wax you've had. Because waxing is all we do, we're good at it - really good at it. Any pain experienced will typically last just seconds while the wax is removed. The more regularly you wax, the more comfortable it becomes.
How long should the hair be?
For best results we say it should be around 1cm, which is around 3-4 weeks of hair-growth. So plan your appointment with plenty of time after your final shave! If you shave too close to your appointment, then the hair probably won't be long enough for the treatment to go ahead.
Do you use hot wax, strip wax or Lycon?
This is a really common question. For all our intimate treatments we only ever use hot wax, it's much kinder on sensitive areas of the skin than strip wax and gives much better results. We use strip wax for half-leg & full-leg treatments. Lycon is just a brand of hot wax, we don't use Lycon (we use a different brand that's much better in our opinion) but the concept is the same in that wax is applied directly to the skin and then removed by hand.
Can I get waxed on my period?
It's best to arrange your appointments around your period, but we know that you can sometimes get caught off-guard. It's totally fine to get waxed while you're on, providing you're comfortable wearing a tampon.
How long does it take?
Each client is different but we typically allow 25 minutes for a Brazilian or Hollywood. New clients take a little longer as the therapist will explain the treatment and aftercare advice during your first appointment.
How often should I wax?
It depends on each client's individual regrowth, but we tend to say every 4-6 weeks for best long-term results.
How long does it last?
This depends on your regrowth
What should I do beforehand?
If possible, exfoliate the day before your treatment. We take hygiene seriously and ask that if possible you shower prior to your appointment. Intimate wipes are provided in the salons so please use them to freshen-up on arrival.
Will I need to remove my underwear?
Well you don't want to risk getting wax on your best knickers! Yes, you'll need to remove underwear for your treatment, if you don't feel comfortable doing this then we recommend you opt for an extended bikini wax instead.
I'm pregnant - can I get waxed?
Yes, absolutely - we've a full page dedicated to waxing during pregnancy, so if you haven't already, head to it and get the full lowdown!
What happens after a wax?
Any redness is completely normal and will go down within 6-8 hours. Some clients with sensitive skin find that antiseptic creams such as Savlon or Bepanthanol are soothing afterwards. Our therapists will give aftercare advice to you, and we stock products to help avoid ingrown hairs between appointments.